To help guide you in planning for your child and family, this section is organized into six life domains (see below). Life domains are the different aspects and experiences that are important at all ages and stages of development. It is helpful to think about what your child and family need now as well as to begin thinking about their future. Each domain has a list of questions to guide you to information and resources. Learn more about using the domains.

Healthy Living
Understanding medical and health services for children with Developmental Delay/Disability or Autism Specturm Disorder, managing my child’s healthcare, recognizing common health concerns, services and staying well.

Daily Life & Education
Accessing services and supports for my child to learn and grow—early intervention, preschool, special education, social and financial assistance.

Community Living
Improving living at home and in the community—housing and home modifications, technology, transportation, food and other everyday needs for my child and family.

Safety & Security
Staying secure—preparing for emergencies, personal safety, guardianship and alternatives, legal, financial, and insurance issues.

Social & Spirituality
Connecting with others for support and social activities—friends, families, spiritual and faith communities.

Advocacy & Engagement
Building skills in speaking up for ourselves and our children, making choices about how to live our lives.

Charting the LifeCourse Framework
The domains are part of the Charting the LifeCourse framework, developed by Dr. Michelle Reynolds at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Institute for Human Development. The Charting the LifeCourse framework was created to help individuals and families of all abilities and all ages develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find or develop services and supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live. Learn more about the Life Domains and related topics, explore examples, and discover tools for your good life.
We are grateful to Dr. Reynolds and University of Missouri-Kansas City Institute for Human Development for permission to use and adapt the Charting the LifeCourse icons and concepts for this guide.
A Word about our Resources
Throughout the guide, we have relied on trusted sources that routinely update their materials and links. However, services and online resources can change and external links may not work. In addition, the guide is not meant to provide medical advice and we urge users to contact their health care professionals for questions they may have. In addition, although funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration Grants #H6MMC33235, the statements, views, and opinions are those of the developers.